Kay Firth-Butterfield

Global Head AI & ML - WEF (2023) | CEO - Good Tech Advisory | Founder - Responsible AI Institute, Good Tech Advisory

Innovation, AI/ML & Technology | AI/ML, Ethics, AI/ML

Kay Firth-Butterfield


Kay Firth-Butterfield has had a diverse career spanning law, academia, and technology. Currently CEO of the Good Tech Advisory, she previously served as the inaugural Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the World Economic Forum, and is a founding member of the Responsible AI Institute. As the world's first Chief AI Ethics Officer, Kay is a global authority on AI governance, sought after for her expertise as a keynote speaker and advisor to governments worldwide. Starting as a barrister and judge in the UK, Kay holds academic roles including Distinguished Scholar at The Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law. A noted author and advocate, she addresses human rights and the societal impacts of AI. Kay's achievements include the TIME100 AI Impact Award and recognition by the New York Times among the 10 Women Changing the Landscape of Leadership.